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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-06-26 22:34:27

1. is  Alice  friend  good  my (.)
2. you  nice  meet  to ( . )
3. is  how  this  much  dress  (?)
4. what’s  weather  the  today  like (?)
5. goes  Chen Jie  by  school  to  bus   (.)
(    )1. Do you like apples?             .
(    )2 How tall are you?               .
(    )3. Who’s that boy?                  .
(    )4. What’s the matter with you , Sarah ?                   .
(    )5. Where are you from?                     .
A. I’m from China.  B. No, I don’t.      C. I’m 150 cm tall.
D. I have a toothache.     E. He’s my friend, John.
A. No, she didn’t.   B . Hello, Amy
C .I went fishing    D . Yes, I did.
E. What about your father?

Amy: Hello, John.
John:                .
Amy :What did you do yesterday?
John:                .
Amy: Did you read story-books ?
John:                . The story is very funny.
Amy: Did your mother wash clothes?
John:                .She cleaned the room.
Amy:                ?
John: He went swimming.

九、读下面材料,并根据其内容判断句子的正与误,正确的在题前填“T”,错误的填“F”。 (10分)
  I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. My grandpa and  my grandma like watching TV very much. My father is a teacher, my mother is  an actress. I am a student in Grade Six. I love my family.
(      ) 1、There are three people in my family.
(      ) 2、My father is a teacher.
(      ) 3、My mother is a doctor.
(      ) 4、My grandpa likes watching TV.
(      ) 5、I’m a student in Class Six.

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