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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-06-02 12:13:37
43. It is ________ that the girl in her twenties planned to marry a man in his sixties. (surprise)
44. ______ too much about your child may cause mental illness. (worry)
45. I am afraid that we need a _______ discussion on whether to use TOTO for the bathrooms. (far)

五、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)
46. They _________ a series of pre-recorded tapes to the language laboratory in the past 2 days. (send)
47. Remember that teaching others ________ yourself. (teach)
48. The old man _________ to go to college, but didn’t. (hope)
49. He was very sure that sooner or later he ________ passing the driving test. (succeed)
50. Hurry up! The boss needs the work ________ tomorrow! (do)
51. ---Why not look at page 20 of your English book?
---Ah, here the  key is! I wonder why I _______ of this. (not think)
52. There’s no one in the lab. Everybody has b een seen ________ out. (go)
53. He who does not reach the Great Wall ________ a true man. (not be)

六、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)
54. 披头士乐队解散前的最后一场公开亮相是在1970年。
The Beatles made ______________________ in 1970 before breaking up.
55. 似乎那个节目不是现场直播的。
That programme _________________________.
56. 盐和金属会起强烈的反应。
Salt will _______________________________.
57. 你打电话来的时候,我们正在海上逆风航行。
_________________________ on the se a when you called.
58. 我怀疑这个报告的真实性。
I doubt __________________________________.
59. 警方决定在墙上张贴疑犯的画像。
The police have made ____________________________ of the suspect on the wall.

七、缺词填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)
Karim Kai Ani was once a middle school math teacher. He often f__60__ a classroom full of bored students. But he couldn’t get angry because he agreed with them—the lessons were really boring! That’s why he became a math coach, a job that a__61__ him to help other teachers design better lessons.
Then in 2009, he h__62__ built the math-teaching website Mathalicious, so he could devote his time completely to d__63__ lessons.
Not like lessons in traditional math t__64__ books, Mathalicious lessons ask open-ended(开放式的) math questions with real-life applications. For example: Do people with small feet pay m__65__ for shoes? How long must a person exercise to burn off a Big Mac? Each lesson includes handouts, a teacher’s guide and a short multimedia(多媒体) presentation. Also, each lesson r__66__ students to use different math skills included in the Common Core State Standards(各州共同核心课程标准).
While the site does offer several f__67__ samples(样本), you need to pay for the lessons. But for many math teachers, the c__68__ is worth it. Mathalicious gives them the tools they need to turn bored students into i__69__ ones.

八、书面表达 (本大题共10分)
1. 格林先生是一个经理,在离家不远的公司上班;
2. 格林夫人是家庭主妇。她不但操持家务井井有条,还致力于慈善事业;
3. 格林小姐刚从国外回来,是个医生,以擅长用颜色治疗病人著称;
4. 儿子汤姆是个18岁的大学生,  有空时喜欢做户外运动;
5. 他们认为现在的生活……(适当扩充1-2句)
The Greens
_________________________________________________________________________________ _______
初三英语参考答案 2013. 5
1-5  CBCAB      6-10 DAADA    11-14 CACC
15 -19  ADCDC 20-24  ACDBC
25-27  BDB  28-30  CBD  31-33  DBD  34-37  BCAD

(A) 38. themselves   39. suggestions 40. breath   41. disagreed
(B) 42. successfully  43. surprising  44. Worrying  45. fur ther
46. have sent   47. teaches  48. had hoped  49. would succeed
50. done/to be done  51. didn’t think 52. to go   53. isn’t
54. The Beatles made their final public appearance in 1970 before breaking up.
55. That program didn’t seem to be covered live.
56. Salt will have a strong effect on metal.
57. We were sailing against the wind on the sea when you called.

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