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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-05-25 09:59:14
55.A.gift           B.look          C.hope               D.lesson
A few weeks before, my daughter, Vanessa, announced her planning to attend her boyfriend’s prom(舞会). Georgia decided to give them dance lessons as a Christmas gift. She found a dance studio and called them.
 “Are you sure you and your husband don’t want to take lessons with them?” the gentleman asked. “Th ere’s a discount for a second couple.”
 “Well... ” My wife hesitated. “Why not?”
 So we stood in the centre of the floor at Jimmy’s Dance Studio.
 We started with the basic box step, a simple waltz for those who know how to dance. We practiced the steps facing each other but standing several feet apart. I held Georgia in my arms. My right hand held her waist, the left held her hand. The music began. I moved my left foot forward and stepped on Georgia’s toe. We stood, wa ited for the beat, and trie d again. Half way through the box, we stopped.
   “Hold her firm!” The teacher came to our side. He grabbed my arm.
   “Here! Put your arm around her waist! Hold her hand with the other! Don’t move it. Keep it firm! You have to guide her!”
    The music sounds again. We got through the full box without stumbling(撞到) or stepping on each other. Compared to the instructors, we looked like two kids dancing for the first time. We were awkward, but we learned.
    Several weeks later, something happened. Georgia and I began to flow across the floor. Our awkwardness was gone. We were partners. We were one. It took a lot of practice and time, but we did it. We became a team. We anticipated each other’s moves and interpreted the slightest signal from the other. What seemed hard before became natural.
     Once we learned how to dance, we looked at our relationship. I wanted to go right, she went left: when to mow the lawn, how much to spend on a car, where our vacations should be spent, and all things couples struggle with. We applied what we learned in class. Once we got the steps down, we danced through life
56. Why did the author decide to take dancing lessons?
A. Because he and his wife need to attend prom.
B. Because he likes dancing so much.
C. Because there was a discount for a second couple to take the lessons.
D. Because his daughter begged he and his wife to take the lessons together.
57. What’s the relationship between Vanessa and Geogia?
A. sisters         B. daughter and father
C. daughter and mother      D. dance learner and instructor
58. What is the proper meaning of “box” in this passage?
A. a kind of music       B. a kind of sports  
C. a kind of container      D. a kind of simple waltz
59. From the last paragraph, we can infer that____.
A. the couple learned dancing quickly  
B. the author always agree to his wife’s idea
C. the couple decided to keep dancing everyday from now on.
D. the author used to have different opinions with his wife on lots of things
60. What is the truth the author wants to convey in the passage?
A. Dancing is easy       B. Dancing through life
C. Dancing is good for old people    D. Dancing is difficult for parents
Ancestor worship is a Chinese tradition dating back thousands of years. A Chinese holiday, celebrated on April 4th or 5th, is the Ching Ming Festival.
     Also known as the Grave-sweeping or Spring Remembrance, Ching Ming ("clear and bright"), is  when Chinese families show our respect by visiting the graves of our ancestors to clear away weeds, touch up gravestone inscriptions and make offerings of wine and fruit.
    There are many Ching Ming rituals which include pulling out weeds around the headstone, cleaning the stone and replacing withered or dead flowers with fresh ones. People also burn incense and paper money. The paper money is for the departed to use in the afterlife. You'll even see food arranged on headstones but it's not a picnic. The food is an offering to the spirits. Three sets of chopsticks and three Chinese wine cups are also placed above the food, close to the headstone.
     Other rituals include family members pouring wine on the grave or setting off firecrackers to scare away evil spirits. The firecrackers also let departed loved ones know we're there to pay our respects. Legend has it that unhappy spirits wander the earth on Ching Ming day. It's considered bad luck to do important business or have an operation on April 5th. Stick to hanging out in the cemetery and offering your ancestors food and fake money.

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