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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-05-25 09:59:14
     The practice of ancestor worship is based on three beliefs:
(1) that a person's good or bad fortune is influenced by the souls of his or her ancestors;
(2) that all departed[死去的] ancestors have the same material needs they had when alive;
(3) that the departed can assist their living relatives.
61. Which of the following is the best title of the text?
A. Ching Ming Festival.    B. the practice of ancestor worship in old China
C. the belief of traditional Chinese people  D. introduction of many Ching Ming rituals
62. What’s the spirit of ChingMing Festival?
A. to set off firecrackers for fun    B. to celebrate a happy family-gathering
C. to go out for a picnic in spring   D. to worship our ancestors
63. What should we do in ChingMing Festival?
A. make offerings of win and fruit and sing songs
B. clear away weeds and touch up gravestone inscriptions
C. show our respect and burn some real money
D. have an operation and then hang out in the cemetery
64. Which of the following are mentioned in the third paragraph?
①pull out weeds around the headstone  ②replace withered flowers with fresh flowers
③set off firecrackers      ④burn paper money 
⑤place chopsticks and wine cups around the headstone
A. ①②③    B. ①②③④   C.①②④⑤   D. ②③④⑤
65. The three beliefs _____.
A. reflect people’s general attitude towards ChingMing Festival
B. are based on the practice of ancestor worship
C. indicate that Chinese people are afraid of the dead
D. show that Chinese pay little attention to their ancestors.
    BP is one of the world’s largest energy companies. It reported a profit of about six billion dollars in the first three months of this year. That was more than double compared to a year ago.
    Now, BP faces growing political pressure over the worst oil spill in American history.Oil has been flowing from its damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico for almost seven weeks.
    But the company formerly called British Petroleum also faces growing financial pressure. Investors fear the long-term costs for cleanup, recovery and fines. BP’s market value fell more than sixty billion dollars as its share price fell by as much as a third.
    On Thursday BP was finally able to cut a damaged pipe from the well using robotic vehicles. The cut was not exactly as hoped, but it was progress. Crews then turned to placing a cap over the pipe-not to stop it,but to direct at least some of the oil to ships on the surface. The leak is about l,500 meters under the sea.[来X k b 1 .c o m
    Yet it may not be fully controlled before August, its wor kers are drilling two relief wells in an effort to ease pressure on the damaged well.
    By some estimates the cost of the cleanup could reach 37 billion dollars.
    The owner of the rig(钻井架), Swiss company Transocean,has been asked to have its responsibility limited to 27 million dollars. The request is based on a law from l85l. But the Justice Department says that isn’t enough.
    Oil has already reached more than l00 kilometers of coastline in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. And it threatens the west coast of Florida.
    Areas of the Gulf have been closed to fishing. But job losses in the fishing industry aren’t the only worry. The Atlantic hurricane season officially began on Tuesday. Some people worry that officials could take their land if it becomes polluted by oil in storm.
66. According to the passage,it can be inferred that      .
  A. the company-BP will go bankrupt very soon
  B. BP faces growing political and financial pressure
  C. there is more than one oil spill in the sea in American history
  D. BP is one of the world’s largest energy compa nies of America
67. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
  A. The robotic vehicle    B. Placing a cap  C. The pipe          D. The oil leak
68. What measure is being taken to fully stop oil from leaking?
  A. To drill two relief wells      B. To cut a damaged pipes at the well
  C. To clean up all the leaked oil     D. To close up the opening of the pipe
69. What does the passage focus on?
A. Political pressure on BP      B. Financial pressure on BP
  C. Pressure from environmental protection   D. Pressure from job losses
70. From which column can we mostly probably read this passage in a newspaper?

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