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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-07-08 17:39:18

1.—How fine the weather is!Let’s go out for a walk.
A.Thanks a lot         B.Good idea
C.Never mind   D.Wait a minute
解析: 句意为:“天气多好啊!咱们出去散步吧。”“对!好主意。”Good idea好主意,同意对方的看法,符合题意。Thanks a lot非常感谢;Never mind不要紧;Wait a minute等一会儿。
答案: B
2.If you________up all the numbers,you’ll find you have made more progress.
A.put   B.look
C.add   D.make
解析: 如果把所有的数据加起来,你会发现你已经取得了更大的进步。add up合计,符合题意。put up张贴;搭建;look up(在词典、参考书等中)查阅;make up编造;组成。
答案: C
3.Little Jim________his teacher’s suggestion so he made the same mistake again.
A.chose   B.collected
C.ignored   D.complained
解析: 句意为:小吉姆没有理会老师的建议,因此又犯了同样的错误。ignore不理睬;忽视,符合题意。choose选择;collect收集;搜集;complain抱怨,发牢骚。
答案: C
4.Miss Lee________Zhang Hua down by patting him on the shoulder.
A.kept   B.turned
C.calmed   D.let
解析: 句意为:李老师拍拍张华的肩膀,让他平静下来。calm...down(使)……平静下来;(使)……镇定下来,符合题意。keep...down控制;抑制;turn down把……调低,关小;let...down使……失望或沮丧。
答案: C
5.—What’s the matter with Rod?
—I think he’s still________that we forgot his birthday.
A.excited   B.loose
C.upset   D.glad
解析: 考查形容词辨析。从“我们忘了他的生日”可知,Rod的感受应该是沮丧的,故选C项。
答案: C
6.While________in Scotland,he made friends with the natives there.
A.working   B.worked
C.he works   D.he is working
解析: 考查句子结构。从结构上分析,while为连词,可以引导时间状语从句,C、D两项虽可以构成从句,但时态与主句不一致;主语he与work之间是主动关系,故选A项,可以看作working前省去了he was。
答案: A
7.—I was really anxious about you.
—I’m terribly sorry.I________home without a word.
A.mustn’t leave   B.shouldn’t have left
C.could have left   D.need have left
解析: shouldn’t have done句意为“本不应该做而事实上做了”。
答案: B
8.In order to stop her wife from attending the party,he took away the key to their car________.
A.by mistake   B.on purpose
C.in surprise   D.by chance
解析: on purpose故意地。句意为:为了阻止妻子参加晚会,他故意把车钥匙拿走。by mistake出错地;in surprise吃惊地;by chance偶尔地。均不符合句意。
答案: B
9.A series of pictures painted by that famous artist________on show since last weekend.
A.was   B.were
C.has been   D.have been
解析: 考查series用法。句意为:自从上周末由那位著名画家画的一系列画在展览。a series of+名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数,排除B、D两项;由since可知本句时态应用现在完成时,故选C。
答案: C
10.The meeting was concerned________reforms and everyone present was concerned________their own interests.
A.with;for   B.with;with
C.for;about   D.about;with
解析: 考查固定搭配。句意为:会议与改革有关,到会的每个人都关心自身的利益。be concerned with与……有关;be concerned about/for关心;挂念。
答案: A
11.Anne made her diary the best friend and________all her important thoughts in it.
A.set out   B.set down
C.set up   D.set off
解析: 句意为:安妮把日记看成是最好的朋友,并在日记里写下她所有重要的想法。set down写下。
答案: B
12.(2010•绍兴高一检测)Two________of textbooks will have been tried out in these two cities in the next three years.
A.series   B.serie
C.copy   D.set
解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:在未来的三年,两套教科书将在这两个城市进行试行。“两套”应用two series of,series单复数同形,故B错误,C、D两项应为复数形式。
答案: A
13.—Do you know our town?
—No.This is the first time that I________here.
A.was   B.am coming
C.came   D.have come
解析: 考查固定句型:It is the first time that+sb.have (has) done sth.如果该句型前面用is,后面的that从句谓语动词使用现在完成时态。
答案: D
14.—Did you have a good time last night?
—No,I returned home________.
A.hungry and angry   B.hunger and anger
C.hungrily and angrily   D.hungry and angrily
解析: 考查形容词(短语)作状语。句意为:“——昨天晚上你玩得愉快吗?——没有,我又饿又气地回家了。”hungry and angry为形容词短语作状语。hunger and anger为名词短语;hungrily与angrily为副词,故选A项,排除B、C、D选项。

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