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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-12-28 22:49:50

姓名________   分数________   家长签字________
1. 冰   __________      2. 课程 __________     3. 棉手套 __________   
4. 棉手套_________      5. 雨   __________     6. 围巾   __________   
7. 季节 __________      8. 雪   __________     9. 雪球   __________  
10. 雪人 __________      11. 太阳__________     12. 风    __________ 
13. 春天 __________      14. 夏天__________     15. 秋天  __________  
16. 冬天 __________      17. 学会__________     18. 滑冰  __________ 
19. 滑雪 __________      20. 教  __________     21. 认为  __________

22. 里面 __________      23. 外面 _________     24. 穿上 _______  _______   

25. 为什么 ________      26. 因为 _________     27. 脱下 _______  _______

1. W______, s_______, s_______ and a_______ are _______s. There are _______ seasons in a year.
2. In winter, I ______  _____ my hat, s_______, m______, winter jacket and winter boots.

3. I ________  ______ my shorts and T-shirt.
4. I like to _______ on the _______(冰). I like to ______ on the _______.(雪)
5. I want to go ________ to play in the snow.
6. Sometimes we make _________s and throw them.

7. I like__________. ________? B__________ I like to _____________________________.
1. cold, a, What, day, snowy              ____________________________________________ !
2. do, like, What, you, to, winter, in, do   ____________________________________________ ?
3. my, going, I, put, am, to, on, hat       _______________________________________ .
4. snowmen, China, make, We, in        _______________________________________ .
5. favourite, your, What’s, season         _______________________________________ ?

(  ) Now we make another small snowball.

(  ) This carrot is his nose.

(  ) First, we make a big ball of snowball.

(  ) Put this snowball on that snowball.

(  ) Let’s make a face on the snowman.

(  ) Then we make another snowball. This one is smaller than the first.

(  ) I have two sticks for his arms.

(  ) We put it on top.

(  ) I have some little rocks for his mouth  and eyes.


二 、
1. inter    pring    ummer    utumn    season    four
2. put    on    carf    ittens或itts
3. take    off
4. skate    ice    ski    snow
5. outside
6. snowball
7.  答案不固定,但前后需要保持一致。例如:
winter    hy    ecause    I like to skate on the ice或者其它在冬天做的活动
spring     hy      ecause     I like to walk in the rain或者其它在春天做的活动
summer    hy     ecause     I like to sit in the sun或者其它在夏天做的活动
autumn    hy    ecause    I like to play in the wind或者其它在秋天做的活动
1. What a cold, snowy day!
2. What do you like to do in winter?
3. I am going to put on my hat.
4. We make snowmen in China.
5. What's your favourite season?
五 、
My favourite season is winter. Winter is cold. There is ice. Snow is white. In winter, I put on my scarf, mitts, winter jacket and winter boots. I like to skate on the ice. I like to ski on the snow. I like to make snowmen. And  I like to make snowballs and throw them. Winter is fun.



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