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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-05-24 09:36:12

                       第一卷 (共50分)
Ⅰ.选择填空 (20分)
(  ) 1. Strauss is ________ Ausrtian musician.
A. a                B. an            C. the                D. /
(  ) 2. My cousin isn’t a soccer fan, __________?
      A. is he             B. isn’t he        C. does he             D. doesn’t he
(  ) 3. Alan is different from his brother, __________?
     A. is it              B. aren’t they     C. are they            D. isn’t he 
(  ) 4. Beethoven _________ many pieces of beautiful music.
      A. wrote             B. write         C. writing             D. writes
(  ) 5. Are there famous anyone in __________?
A. Germans          B. German       C. Germany           D. Germen
(  ) 6. -Can you play football?  -Yes, I can, _________ I can’t play it very well.
A. or              B. and           C. so                D. but
(  ) 7. It’s not polite___________ anything in the museum.
      A. touch            B. to touch        C. touching            D. touches
(  ) 8. —Do you like classical music or pop music?
      —_________ of them, because they are both beautiful.
     A. All              B. Both          C. Either               D. One
(  ) 9. Many of __________ love classical music.
      A. Europe           B. European      C. Europeans           D. Europeans’
(  ) 10. —Are you a film__________?
—Yes. Jackie Chan is my favorite star.
A. star              B. player        C. fan                  D. artist
(  ) 11. Not only she but also her friend never ________ the news.
      A. believe           B. believes       C. believes              D. to believe
(  ) 12. Sorry, I’m busy today. I have________ homework to do.
A. much too         B. too much      C. too many             D. many too
(  ) 13. I don’t like the green T-shirt. Would you show me ________one?
   A. another          B. the other       C. other                D. others
(  ) 14. —I’m going to the beach with Sam next holiday.
A. Have a good time   B. Best wishes    C. Good idea            D. You’re welcome
(  ) 15. ________ beautiful the flowers look!
A. How          B. What    C. What a            D. How a

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