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(A teaching plan for the third period of Unit4. Module7)

授课内容:模块7第4单元第3课时   授课班级:高二(3)班
授课人:   刘  超                  教学用具:多媒体等

第一阶段 尝试发展阶段


Task1 Grammar Revision
Complete the following sentences using proper pronouns or adverbs, such as which, who, where, etc.
1. A football fan is a person _____ has a strong interest in football.
2. The house, the roof of _____ was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired.
3. They talked about an hour of things and persons _____ they remembered in the school.
4. You’d better not leave the medicine ______ the kids can get at it.
5. Who _____ has common sense will do such a thing?
6. They asked him to tell them everything _____ he saw at the front.
7. He still remembered the day _____ he met the great man in the street.
8. The man _____ hair is white is my father.

Task2 New words and phrases

1. The old man d________ his collection of pictures to the museum yesterday.
2. A watchdog is a _______(安全保障) against thieves, especially at night.
3. It is very common that a library has a _______(目录) of its books.
4. Who can o______ the new machine made in America?
5. You should have helped your friends out when they were ___ ______.
6. The pine-tree has a very wide _________(分布) in the north-east of China.
7. Many social services are provided by ________(志愿的) societies in our country.
8. Tickets for the concert should be p________ in advance.
9. Jack and Kim celebrated their twentieth wedding ________(周年纪念日) in January

第二步  目标检测

Task3 Fast Reading
Have you ever tried to send a gift to the children in poor areas or countries? Probably not. Today, we can have access to a website, where you can send your gifts to those who are in great need. Please glance quickly at the Internet page on Page 34, and answer the following questions.
1. What does the page show you? Where is the list of gifts?
2.  In what kind of order are the gifts listed? How much are cheapest and dearest gift?
3. where is the gift card?
4.What do the photos show you?

第二阶段  自主发展阶段

Task4 Detailed Reading
Please read this Internet Page again carefully and then try your best to finish the exercise2 on page35

第三步  探究交流

Task5 Discussion
What do you think of this website and its idea? Do you think people will get interested in it and buy its gifts? Do you think those gifts listed are really helpful? Give at least two reasons for your answers.

第四步  点拨引导
Give some useful guidance to the students if necessary.
第五步 能力训练

Task6 Reading Task
In the world, there are many organizations established with the purpose of helping different groups of people in one way or another. Next, we will get to know another organization called Plan International. Turn to page 73. This is a letter from Rosanna to some students. Rosanna works as a volunteer of Plan International in an area of Ecuador. Why did she write to the Ss? What did the Ss do? Read the letter and find the answers. While reading, summarize the topic of each paragraph and finish Exercise1and 2 on page74.

第六步 教师点评

第三阶段 超越发展阶段

第七步 拓展训练
Suppose your pen-friend James wants to sponsor a child through Project Hope. He wrote you a letter to ask something about this social welfare programme. Collect some necessary information on the Internet and answer his letter(The contents of your letter must contain some important information of Project Hope, such as its generated time, purpose, significance and so on). Here are two websites which are bound to helpful to you:
1. http://www.gdhope.cn/
2. http://baike.baidu.com/view/6016.htm


A.优秀            B. 良好         C一般             D差



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