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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-07-05 10:57:00

()1、Who can understand the report well?
A. Paul          B. Sally          C. Both of them
()2、How long has Jackson been collecting stamps?
A. For six years.    B. For eight years.    C. For nine years.
()3、What does the woman mean?
A.The man can smoke here.
B.The man can’t smoke anywhere.
    C.The man can’t smoke in the room.
()4、Why doesn’t the girl return the book on time?
    A.Because she forgot to return it.
    B.Because of her cold.
    C.Because she doesn’t want to return it.
()5、What does Leo want to do this weekend?
A. See a play.   B. See a film.   C. Visit his parents’ friends.
()6、When will the boy have the party?
   A.This afternoon.   B. Tomorrow afternoon.   C.  This Sunday afternoon.
()7、What will his mother have to do tomorrow afternoon?
  A.Go shopping.   B. Go to work.   C. Clean the room.
()8、Why does Jim look tired?
 A.He was talking with his friends last night.
B.He went to bed late last night.
   C.He was doing his homework last night.
()9、What match did Jim watch last night?
A. A basketball match.   B. A tennis match.   C. A football match.
()10、What does the woman ask Jim to do?
 A.Take a walk.   B. Study hard.   C. Go to bed earlier tonight.
()11、Why doesn’t the man want the seats here?
A. They’re expensive.   B. They’re crowded.   C. They’re cheap.
()12、When does the man plan to come?
A. Next Saturday.   B. On October 18th.   C. On October 25th.
()13、How much does each ticket cost over there?
A. $8          B. $3          C. $2
()14、When did the story happen?
A. In the morning.   B. In the afternoon.   C. At night.
()15、How many persons in the room?
A. Only one.     B. Two.     C. Four.
()16、Who was the young man?
    A.The speaker’s friend.   B. A stranger man.   C. The speaker’s cousin.
()17、What’s the relationship(关系) between Mr Wang, Li Chen and Liu Yang?
A. Teacher and students.   B. Neighbors.   C. Father and children.
()18、How are the people in this neighborhood?
     A.They are hard to get along.
     B.They are helpful and friendly.
     C.They are smart but lazy.  
()19、When do you think Mr Wang and his friends often have parties?
A. On weekends.      B. After school.        C. At night.
()20、 Where do Mr Wang’s friends often put their bikes?
A.In the hallway.   B. In Mr Wang’s house.   C. Outside the neighborhood.
Rules for a long and happy life
Who gives the rules (21)                      
The first rule (22)                      
Where you live  It is also important to (23)                 
The sixth rule    (24)                      
The last rule You should smile(微笑) and (25)                 in life.
 ()26、Tom thanked his sister   helping him    his lessons.
         A. for; with   B. to; in   C. of; about   D. on; at

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