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2012牛津英语8b Unit 4 A charity show单元测试题及答案

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2012牛津英语8b Unit 4 A charity show单元测试题及答案
本试题重点复习8b Unit 4 内容,同学们努力啊
听 力 部 分(20分)
(   )1. What are they talking about?
A. About yesterday.      B. About weather.    C. About school.
(   )2. What kind of clothes does the girl like to wear?
A. Blouse.              B. Sweater.          C. Skirt.
(   )3. What’s the population?
A. About 266,548,000.    B. 256,458,000.      C. 266, 458,000.
(   )4. What place are they talking at?
A. Hospital.             B. Library.          C. Home.
(   )5. What does the sign tell people to do?
A. It tells people not to stop walking.          B. It tells people to walk on.
C. It tells people to stop walking.
(   )1. They had a party at Ann’s home.
(   )2. Ann liked the book.
(   )3. Ann read the book in the bookshop yesterday.
(   )4. The big box was red.
(   )5. Ann would like to have a cup of milk.
笔 试 部 分(80分)
1. ople werMany pe d ________(捐赠)lots of money to the poor e ge nerous an ily.fam
2. Our charity show was a success and we had a lot of s________ from local ment.govern
3. It’s our d_______ to keep our environment clean and tidy.
4. The 2008 Olympic Games need a lot of __________(自愿者)
5 goods.. Many people give out _______(传单) at the school gate to ask students to buy their
6. It was exciting to be the _________(主持) of the show.
7. I hope our charity show will be a s___________.
8. The c________ rose, the host came on the stage with a microphone in her hand.
9. The show will ________(举办) at the Sunshine Theatre.
10. We put on many p________ on the wall outside our school, so lots of people may w.o co me and see the sh

(   )1. I ______ I could fly to the moon one day.
    A. want       B. hope          C. wish        D. like
(   )2. His brother can play tennis very well because he _____ tennis after work.
    A. practices playing              B. practices to play
    C. practices to playing            D. practices play
(   )3. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _____ and take _____ exercises.
    A. less, less    B. more, more     C. less, more   D. more, less
(   )4. You’d better _____ these books _____ the library as soon as possible.
    A. give…back  B. return… back   C. return back… to   D. return… to
(   )5. I’m very sorry _____ I didn’t write to you earlier.
    A. so         B. because        C. that         D. this
(   )6. When we heard the news, all of us were very _____.
    A. exciting    B. excited        C. interesting    D. interest
(   )7. The old man didn’t want to work ______.
    A. no more    B. no longer      C. any more     D. not any more
(   )8. What _____ the boy _____ this time yesterday?
    A. did, do     B. was, doing     C. is, doing      D. did, doing
(   )9. Can you ______?
    A. say Japanese                B. speak Japanese
    C. speak it in Japanese           D. say Japan language
(   )10. Have you found out the case ______?
    A. somewhere  B. anywhere      C. nowhere     D. some place

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