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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-05-26 11:37:38

(  ) 1. We are going to the party __________next week.
A. in           B. on              C. /           D. for
 (  ) 2. He hurried out without______  
     A. take           B. to take           C. taking         D. to taking
(  ) 3. The old man came in a big city, and soon he was_________.
     A. lose           B. losing            C. losed          D. lost
(  ) 4. September 10th is ________
     A. Teacher Day    B. Teachers’ Day     C. Teacher’s Day    D. Teachers’s Day
(  ) 5. Is he good _______math?  No, he does well _______English.
  A. at; at          B. in; in             C. at; in           D. in; at
(  ) 6. Yang Liwei _______Earth after his journey into space
     A. returned       B. returned to         C. returned back    D. returned back to
(  ) 7. Once upon a time, a big lion _________in the forest.
     A. live           B. lives              C. lived           D. is living
(  ) 8. Hello, David! What are you going to do?  I have _______ to tell you.
     A. something important                  B. important something 
C. anything important                   D. important anything
(  ) 9. Once upon a time, there was a little girl _________Xiao Mei.
A. calls           B. calling            C. called          D. call
(  ) 10. My father usually__________ a shower _________the morning.
     A. take; in         B. takes; in           C. take; on        D. takes; at
(  ) 11. He _________ his homework at school.
     A. doesn’t do       B. don’t does         C. isn’t do         D. does not
(  ) 12. I want __________ the music club because I can play the guitar well.
     A. join             B. to join           C. joins            D. be join
(  ) 13. It’s not far. You can go there_______ foot. You needn’t go there_______ a car.
      A. on; by          B. on; on           C. on; drive        D. on; in
(  ) 14. —What will we do on Sunday?  —How about _________?
     A. to go bike riding   B. going bike to ride  C. going to bike riding D. going bike riding
(  ) 15. Don’t forget _______ the lights when you leave the computer room.
   A. to turn off        B. turning off      C. turn off          D. turned off
(  ) 16. _______ were you born?     I was born in Anhui Province
     A. Where           B. Where           C. What time        D. What
(  ) 17. It’s six o’clock now. It’s time___________.

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