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2013年春季四年级英语第四册Module 10检测试题新标准三起外研版

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2013年春季四年级英语第四册Module 10检测试题新标准三起外研版
1. n,h,p,e,p,a           __________________  ____________
2. y,s,h,r,t,i,t,        __________________  ____________
3. e,h,d,a,h,a,e,c       __________________  ____________
4. r,f,e,v,e             __________________  ____________
5. y,c,r,a,r             __________________  ____________
6. m,w,e,l,n,o,a,t,r,e   __________________  ____________
7. h,s,m,t,c,a,o,e,a,c,h __________________  ____________
1.go   ________________    2.happen ________________
3.bump  ________________   4.have   ________________
5.fall  ________________   6.carry  ________________
7.buy   ________________   8.watch   ________________
9.see   ________________   10.help  ________________
(   )1.A.fifth       B.pen       C.pencil    D.book
(   )2.A.head        B.leg       C.ear       D.lion
(   )3.A.tiger       B.bag       C.elephant D.monkey
(   )4.A.apple       B.talk      C.walk     D.carry
(   )5.A.headache    B.cold   C.fever  D.watermelon
(   )6.A.Saturday    B.March  C.Friday  D.Thursday
(   )7.A.January     B.February  C.Monday     D.May
(   )8.A.brother   B.teacher   C.driver D.policeman
(   )9.A.cold        B.cool      C.hot      D.April
(   )10.A.your     B. he     C.she    D. they
(   )1. Who cooked noodles for _________________ ?
       A. the lunch           B. lunch
       C. a lunch             D. an lunch
(   )2.  ______________ you thirsty then?
       A. Was, wasn’t        B. Were, weren’t
       C. Was, weren’t       C. Were, wasn’t
(   )3.  It will ___________ on Monday.
A. be rain             B. rain
       C. rainy               D. a rain
(   )4. Did you cook meat yesterday?
       A. didn’t             B. can’t
       C. won’t              D. don’t
(   )5. My grandparents ______fat then. Now they ___ fat.
       A. wasn’t ,are         B. weren’t, were
       C. wasn’t, were        D. weren’t, are
1. Amy __________ ( have ) a cold yesterday.
2. Today she ________ (have) got a headache.
3. We _________ ( buy ) some pictures yesterday.
4. — What did you ______ ( see )? — We saw a big snake.
5. — Did you ________ ( listen ) to music on Sunday?
   — Yes, I did.
6. A lion is ________ ( big ) than a cat.
7. Shanghai is _____________ ( big )city in China.
8. A car is ______________ ( short ) than a bus.
9. — How old _____ ( are ) you in that photo?
10. I __________( help )my mother on Saturday.
(   )1.They listen to the radio yesterday.____________
          A     B            C       D

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