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六年级英语pep8 Unit3 A Let's talk教学设计及练习题

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-03-21 01:04:39

1. do, did, weekend, you, last, what ?
2. my, I, last, visited, Sunday, grandparents
  3. them, you, their, help, did, clean, room

(    ) 1. Wha_____you_______last weekend?
A. did, do  B. do, do  C.do, did

(    ) 2. —Did you help them clean their room?
A. Yes, I do.   B. No, I did.  C. Yes, I did.

(    ) 3. —What did you do yesterday?
A. I listened to music.
B. I watch TV.
C. You listened to music.

(  ) 4. They played football on the playground_____________.
A. next Saturday  B. yesterday  C. tomorrow

(    ) 5. Sarah _______________last night.
A. didn’t watch TV
B. don’t watch TV 
C. doesn’t watch TV

1. What did you do last weekend?
2. What did your mother do yesterday morning?
3. Did you clean your bedroom yesterday?

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