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Culture 1: Family教学设计

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-04-23 12:49:56

课例名称:Culture 1: Family
执教教师:中山市东升镇益隆小学 刘俊彬
Family tree.
1. Knowledge objectives
(1)To enable Ss to understand family tree;
(2)Students can use the sentence patterns This is my … His/Her name is …to introduce their family menbers in English;
2.Ability objectives
(1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking and writing.
(2) To develop Ss’ abilities of communication.
3.  Emotion objectives
 To lead the Ss to love their family.
1. Key and difficult points
(1) Key points
①To help Ss master and use the sentence patterns This is my … His/Her name is …
② Ss can draw their family tree.
(2) Difficult points
① To have students know how to use the sentence patterns in communication flexibly.
② To extend this lesson to our life.
(一)Teaching methods
1. Communicative Situation Approach
2. To use some activities : songs, games
3. To encourage pair work, group work and performance.
(二)Learning strategy
Get the Ss learn by listening, watching, guessing, cooperating, imitating and sharing.

四、 教学过程
Step 1 .Warming-up
1. Sing the song in unit 4 : She’s my mom.
Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the students by singing. At the same time, it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.
Step 2.  Presentation
1.Show a photo of Gogo’s family. Jenny ask: Who are they? Lead the students to watch the cartoon. After that, show pictures of Gogo’s family members, guide the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. Ex“Who’s she? She’s Gogo’s mother.”“Who’s he? He’s Gogo’s father.”.
Purpose: The funny cartoon and the lovely image of Gogo’s family members will attract the students’ interests. It can help Ss learn the new sentences in a more interesting and easier way. Students love learning English in games.
2.Divide the Ss into two groups. One to be Gogo, and the other one to be Jenny. Show pictures of Jenny’s family. Ask the Ss to guess what they talk about. Then show Jenny’s family tree.
Purpose: Maybe it’s a little difficult in this step. But it’s usefull for the Ss to train their abilities of imagination and speaking.
3.  According to Jenny’s family tree. Ss match the sentences and the pictures. (Pay attention to Mr. and Mrs. The difference between Chinese and English name)
4.  Learn Tim’s family tree in the book and finish exercises 2 on page 32.

Purpose: After learning Jenny’s family tree and doing the exercise, students can finish the exercise in the book easily.
Step 3  Practice
1. Ask Ss to use their family photos and the sentence patterns This is my … His/Her name is …to talk about their family members in pairs. (Teacher makes an example first) After that, ask some Ss to show the pictures and introduce.
Purpose: It’s necessary for the students to consolidate the new knowledge in time. And pair work can cultivate their consciousness of good co-operation. This part also can practice the Ss’ oral English effectively.
Step 4  Emotion teaching
1. Show Ss the public service advertising of Family to tell them should love their family.
2. Lead Ss to learn when’s Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
Purpose: Family is important to everyone. We should love our family. We should do our best to pretect them from harm. We should study hard in order to give a better life to our parents when they’re getting old.
Step5  Summary and Exercise
1. Sum-up what we have learnt in this period.
2. Show out some Grammar
Who’s  =  Who is
She’s   =   She is
He’s   =   He is

3. Every student can get a piece of paper like this and finish it quickly.

Purpose: It’s necessary for the students to consolidate the new knowledge in time by exercise.
Step6  Homework
1.  Finish the exercise 3 on page 33 in the book.
2.  Use photos to talk about your friends with your parents.
Purpose: Students should consolidate the new knowledge after class. Both writing and speaking. The homework acts this role.

六. 板书设计及练习
1.  Blackboard design :
                Culture 1: Family

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