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Lesson 2: Poems About Nature

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-08-13 12:05:10

Lesson 2: Poems About Nature
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: hill, clear, brave, pale, golden, softly, kiss, noisy
Oral words and expressions: swiftly, tiny, warmth, scene, related, topic
Teaching Aims:
1. Cultivate the students’ guessing ability of the whole text.
2. Enjoy the charming of the English poetry.
3. Compare the differences between the English and Chinese poetry.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn the English poetry about nature by hearty.
2. Know how to write an English poem.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Use what we learn to write an English poem.
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.
Divide the class into several groups. Talk about the next questions:
Have you read any poems in English? Which one do you like best? Why?
What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter?
Choose several best poems and let the students read them in front of the class. Show some pictures of winter to the students. Help them to find more words to describe winter.
Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.
1. Does the poem make you think of _______?
2. You can write a poem about _______, too.
3. Before you start writing your poetry, think about your _______.
Step3: Read the text and find the new words.
1. Let the students guess the meanings of the new words.
Most of the new words are related nature. So present some pictures to the students to help them understand the new words.
2. Ask some students to tell the main idea of this text.
Step4: Do with the language points.
Make sentences with the new words we learn in this text.
Ask if someone can tell a story with the words we learn today. Encourage them to stand in front of the class and tell his story to us.
Step5: Reading task
Encourage the students to ask questions about this text.
Finish the task in groups. Let the students design questions and exchange them in groups. They can ask questions like this:
1. What are your ideas for a nature poem?
2. What can you do to describe about something?
Step6: Activities.
Work in groups.
Write a poem about the two pictures. Finish a poem. Then each student in the group correct it before reading it to the class.
Step7: Come to “LET’S DO IT!”
The task is similar to the step6. Finish it in class. Try to write a poem about one of the seasons. The teacher shows some pictures about the seasons to the students.
Step8: Homework
1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.
2. Go on the next reading in the student book.
It is fun and interesting to write a poem in English. The teacher tries to write a poem and presents it to the class. Let the students correct it if they have any good ideas. Some students are interested in English, and they are also interested in poems. So give them more chances to create their minds.


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