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Lesson 59 Today, Work, Tomorrow. Play

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-08-13 12:14:39

Lesson 59 Today, Work, Tomorrow. Play
2.识别词汇及短语:Exam, math, science, Finish, everyday,cheat, page
I will write three exams.
Everyone is going to be happy.
4. 了解本课中对话的意思。
Class Opening
1. Greeting.
2. Duty report.
3. Sing “ Stand up, Sit down”
4. Retell the story in Lesson 58.
5. Play “ Why? Because_________.”
Key Concepts
Exam, math, science.
Finish, cheat.
Step 1 Presentation
Teacher: ( holding an English/Chinese/math/science book)
This is an English book. This is a Chinese book.
This is a math book and this is a science book.
We will have a math exam on Friday. When will we have an English exam? Are you doing well on the exam?
Step 2 Practice
Teacher: Math.
Students: Math.
Teacher: We are going to have a math exam.
Students: We are going to have a math exam.
Teacher: Are you going to do well on the exam?
Students: Are you going to do well on the exam?
Teacher: Are you good at math?
Students: Are you good at math?

2. Books closed! Ask: this question: Why does Danny want to sit beside Jenny? Listen to the audiotape.
3.Check the answer.
4.Play the audiotape again as the students follow along in their student books.
5. Practice in groups.
6. Present. Ask for three volunteers to act out the dialogue.
7. Make up a new dialogue.
Class Closing
1. Finish off the activity book.
2. Practice the sentences in this lesson.


Tags:Today Work Tomorrow. Play

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