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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-05-04 00:41:26

Ⅰ.Teaching aims :
1. Oral practice: Situational dialogue
2. Grammar focus:  Object clauses
What is an object clause? Pay attention to three key points: the  word order, the tense and the connective word.
Ⅱ.Teaching key points: 目标1,2
Ⅲ. Teaching difficult points:目标2
IV. Teaching process:

Step One  Greeting (2’)
1. Ss enjoy a video.
2. Encourage the ss to study English hard and remember: I believe I can make it.
【设计意图】 课前听英文歌,活跃气氛,同时提高学生学习英语的渴望。每节课的课前5分钟都应有变换的吸引学生的内容。

Step Two  A tongue twister (2’)
1. Teacher shows the tongue twister:
I know.
You know.
I know that you know.
I know that you know that I know.
The students read the sentences together.
【设计意图】通过A tongue twister,让学生训练一下口语,同时关注其中出现的宾语从句形式,从而引入宾语从句的课题。朗读时朗朗上口,容易将学生的学习状态迅速调动起来。

   Step Three  What is an object?(2')
1. Show the sentences: I like English.
                    I have learnt English for 9 years.
                    We are having an English class.
   Then make a conclusion: v. +  object   (动词+宾语)
2.Show the sentences:They arrived in Shanghai last week.
                   We want some information about Hainan.
                   She often takes care of her little sister.
Then make a conclusion: prep. + object (介词+宾语)

Step Four  What is an object clause?(3’)
1.Show the sentences: I believe what you said just now.
                I have asked how we can get there.
                We are considering when we will take a trip.
Then make a conclusion: v. +  object clause (动词+宾语从句)
2. Show the sentences:
We are talking about  how much this dress cost.
        Please pay attention to what the teacher are saying. 
  Then make a conclusion:prep. + object clause (介词+宾语从句)

Step Five  Three key points(25’)
1. Show three key points of object clauses: the word order, the tense and the connective word.
2. How to understand the 3 key points?
  1) The word order:  主语+谓语+其他。
  Ask 2 ss to reset the order of the pieces of words on the Bb.
2) The tense. The tense in the main clause is very important.
1. 主句是一般现在时的时候,从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。
2. 主句是一般过去时的时候,从句用过去的某种时态。(一般过去时,过去将来时,过去进行时,过去完成时等。)
Teacher asks the ss to tell the tense in the main clauses, then analyses the tense that should be used in the sub-clauses.
It is important to help the ss choose the proper tense in the sub-clause.
3) The connective word: Watch 3 short movies and ask the ss to talk about the movies or retell the words in the movies.
① I think the girl in the movie is shopping.
② She asks if /whether we are happy now.
③ She asks how many English words we learned last year.
(Show some examples to students.)
Draw a conclusion after each task to master the three key points.
3. Finish the exercises on P83《中考冲刺》
  Pick some relevant exercises to further use the three key points.
4. Check their answers with their partner. Then explain some difficult ones.

Step Six  The special situations (5’)
1. Show some special situations about object clauses:
2. Finish the exercises on P84-85《中考冲刺》

Step Six  Situational dialogue(4’)
1. Show the situation in Chinese.
角色: Peter,一位来广州参加广交会的美国人。

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