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二年级英语下学期Unit 11 I Can Climb教学设计

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一、 课例名称: Unit 11 I Can Climb.
二、 执教教师:张倩敏
三、 指导教师:游佳、曾庆华
四、 课型:第3课时( Uncle Booky’s Storytime)
五、 学段:二年级下学期
六、 教材版本:北京师范大学出版社《先锋英语》
准备材料:磁铁若干;7个小组共7套角色扮演用的动物头饰;一套用于做拼图的动物图片;哭脸笑脸图片各一个;草丛图片5张;sing,climb,dance,jump动作单词卡片;Can I join you?/ Come on,join us!/What can I do?/ Come here./ Let’s sing.的句子卡片;5个代表小组的名片牌;皮球一个;旗子一面;powerpoint 课件。
七、 教学流程图:
Warming-up→Preview→Presentation→Drills→Practice→Consolidation→Summery and homework
八、 教学设计:
Analysis  of  the  students:
    Most of the students are eagering to have English classes, they are very confident in themselves. Our shool is a bilingual one which focuses a lot on English learning, so most of the students have a very good foundation for English. They have learned these language points in grade one : “run, dance, swim, sing, walk, jump” and “Can you.. ? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.”  Students can listen to and do actions according to the orders. Therefore, the students have reserved some knowlege for this lesson.
1. 本册共有6个语言功能单元,本单元《I can climb》共有4个课时,本课时是本单元的第三课时。
2. 从教学题材上来说,是围绕谈论个人能力的话题。这样的话题跟学生的生活实际有密切的联系,能引起孩子积极的学习兴趣。第一课时围绕的Text和Words to Learn两个版块让学生学会询问对方及描述某人是否能做某事,如Can you …? I can/ She can/ He can …。 旨在让学生掌握基本句型和重点单词;第二课时《Talk Together》是第一课时的巩固拓展部分,引导学生学会在真实的情景中灵活运用所学的句子进行交际。如Can you fly? No, I can’t, but I can dance./ I want to dance./ Ok, let’s try.这之前的两个课时都为本课时的学习内容做了很好的铺垫,本课时旨在让学生把所学的语言知识运用在故事的表演上,既提升了运用语言的技能,又培养了学生学习英语的策略。
3.从学生认知水平来说,本单元符合学生的认知水平。学生在一年下期学习《I can swim》单元里,通过学习掌握了句子I can…,单词swim, walk, run, jump, dance. 二年下期本单元《I can climb》在之前单元的知识点上进行了增加,如用句子Can he/ she…?来询问第三人称是否会做某事;用He/ She can …来描述别人是否能做某事,增加了单词fly, climb, write, draw, read, see。
Teaching   aims  and  demands
a) Knowledge   objectives:
Vocabulary: sing, climb, dance, jump, swim and so on.
Structures: Can you … ?   Yes, I can.    No, I can’t.  You can …
b)Ability  objectives:
Ss can act out the story in groups, some of them can even create a new story. Their ability for imagination and creation will be fully developed.
c)Moral   objectives:
Ss learn to appreciate others.
Teaching   methods:
Task—based languange teaching, situational teaching.

九、 教学过程:
Teaching   procedures
1. Warming-up and revision: ( 3 minutes)
  Students’ activity: Do some daily greetings, such as: How are you?/ Can you … very well?
②Revision: Look and read.
  Students’activity: Students read the action words (run, dance,swim,sing,read,write,walk,talk,jump,draw) which were learned in the previous lessons while doing actions.
Purpose for warming-up: Quick and fun warming up activity can make a warm classroom atmosphere in which the students would feel relaxed and cheerful.
2. Preview: ( 5 minutes)
①A guessing game to introduce the main character and the title.
  Students’activity: Ss guess what the teacher draws on the Bb. They will be given more and more tips to guess the answer---a turtle. Then read the title for this lesson: Uncle Booky’s Storytime.
②Sing a song <<Walking, walking>>
Students’activity: The Ss act as little turtle,they stand up and sing this song  <<Walking, walking>> actively with the teacher.
③Do a puzzle to lead in the characters for this story.
  Students’activity: There are some animal pictures and some grass pictures on the blackboard. Students will see the eyes for each animal hidden behind the grass. They will guess what animal it is: It’s a bird, a monkey, a butterfly, a frog, a fish. 5 Ss come to the Bb to do the puzzle for the above animal pictures.
④Talk about these animals’ abilities.

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