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六年级英语(下)Unit 2 Turn left at the corner教学设计

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-05-05 01:17:58

Step 4:  Chant activity (6’)
1. Listen to the chant and fill in the blanks.
Which is faster, the crab or the snake?
Which tastes _________, the cream or the cake?
Which is ______, the grapes or the grass?
Which is _______, the crown or the glass?
2. Check the answers, talk about the pictures and learn the chant sentence by sentence.
T: which is faster, the crab or the snake? (…)
T: Which tastes nicer, the cream or the cake?
T: Which is greener, the grapes or the grass?
T: Which is older, the crown or the glass?
3. Listen and chant together.
4.  Enable the students to open the books and circle out the /kr/ and /gr/ words in the chant, then check.

Step 5 Discuss and write down more words which have the sounds of /gr/ and / kr/ in groups. (4’)
T: Try to write down more words with the sounds /gr/ and /kr/ in groups.
T: Who wants to tell us more words? One by one.
设计意图:让学生通过讨论掌握和了解更多的发 /kr/ 和/ gr / 的单词,发散学生的思维,从语音入手复习旧知,又从单词中训练语音意识。

Step 6 Listening Activities (3’)
1. Listen to the audio of a passage and answer the question
T: Now you will listen to a story and answer my question. Who has a crocodile as a pet?
2. Listen to the passage again and shout out the /kr/ and /gr/ words.
(Play a game of “Rescue the hostage”.)
T: Now I have another passage with the /kr/ and /gr/ words. But Let us make it more fun , we play a game? Ok? This game is called rescue the hostage.
  T: I am a very bad guy, so I catch you. Now you should get them back., how to get them back? I will read a passage. If you hear the words with the sounds /kr/ or /gr/, you stand up and tell me. So your hostage will go back one step. Now I need four hostages. Let us try first. I am your grandfather. Understand. Let us begin.
(The passage:  I have a very good friend. Her name is Grace, she is in Class 12, Grade 6. She is a good student. She never gets a poor grade.So her parents and grandmother is happy. She likes green food. She often eats some grapes. Because they are healthy. But she likes eating ice cream. So she always goes to the grocery store. she has two pets, one is a crab. The other is a crocodile. She likes them very much.)

Step 7 Make a story with /gr/ and /kr/ words in groups of four(4’30’’)
1. Ask four students to read another passage with /gr/ and /kr/ passage.
2. Discuss and make the story with /gr/ and /kr/ words in groups of four.
3. Write down the story with /gr/ and /kr/ words in groups of four.
4. One group is chosen to read aloud their own story and the others listen and shout out the words with the sounds /kr/ and /gr/.  (Play a game of “rescue the hostage”.)

Step 8: Homework(0’30’’)
1. By using the words you have learnt with pronunciation /gr/ /kr/, write a story, 8 words should be included. (根据所学的单词,写一个故事,故事中必须包括8个所学的带有/gr/ 和/kr/的单词。最好是能结合二单元所学的指路的知识。)
2.复习Unit 2的所有内容,听写14个单词及target的句子,做好下一节课的单元测试准备。

共4处:1,自学试着读出六个单词的发音;2,听Chant 写出缺的单词;3,找出更多发/kr/ 和/ gr/ 的单词。4,写故事并自己检测。

《英语课程标准》中对语音教学的要求写道:要求学生掌握元音字母在单词中的基本读音;常见的元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音;常见的辅音字母组合在单词中的基本读音等。本节课的教学重点是掌握辅音群/gr/、/gr/及相关单词的发音。整体感觉自己这节课条理比较清楚,过渡也比较自然。难度层层递进,如从音节--单词--句子-- 篇; 也包含了听力,口语,阅读, 写作各项训练。从教学活动来说,这节课有游戏,表演。学生们学的也非常的开心。总体来看,这节课基本完成了课前所定的各项目标。
当然这堂课存在一定的瑕疵。如:应该让学生预习在先,然后再引入。最后玩游戏的环节,特别是学生检验自己故事的环节,学生都注重在/kr/ 和 /gr/ 的读音,而忽略了学生本身所写的故事。
十二. 课例评析
点评人:刘徽 ,英语科组长。
评析:陈老师的这堂课属于语音教学课,主要教授cr, gr的发音及其相关单词。陈昉老师通过其辅音群与元音音标的组合发音,穿插游戏、歌曲、阅读、写作等活动,充分调动了学生的学习积极性。整节课的设计体现了“以人为本”的教学思想,倡导学生自主、合作、愉快的探究式的学习。
一. Phonics自然拼读法的运用,做好语音的迁移准备
    陈老师在检查完家庭作业后直接引出across这个单词,从而引导学生运用自然拼读法, “a says/a/, c says /k/, r says /r/, o says /o/, s says /s/”, so “cr” says /kr/, “gr” says / gr/. 而一个听音辨音的活动又让学生明白了清浊音的区别。

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