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Ethics of teaching profession

Speaker: Zhao Qing shan

Ladies and Gentlemen:

My speaking theme is burning your heart. Pascal once said: Man is a thinking reed. All our dignity lies in thought. so, if you want to be a real man, you must learn to think first.

It is said that everyone lives by selling something. On the light of this statement, teaching is a job. Teachers lives by selling knowledge. So if you want to be a good teacher, you should have enough knowledge; on the other side, teaching is a career. You must pay attention to your students. Tao Xing zhi said: since you chose to be a teacher ,you should dress yourselves as a Monkey King and you need to think by students’ way.

It is ten years since I was a teacher. I once made some mistakes and I doubted whether it was worth working so hard. But now, I don’t misunderstand. As an English teacher, I teach my students as well as possible. I try my best to make my lessons interesting;As a head teacher, I play the role of spring wind 、spring rain and sun. I respect my students .I set up a Reading Club for them to read many books

I believe that my heart is burning in my chest.









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