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高二英语 The merchant of Venice说课稿

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Unit 19 The merchant of Venice说课稿
一 教材分析
二 学重点和难点
1 重点:deny, mercy, accuse, bless, declare, count, therefore, worthy, punish, order, pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, etc.
2 难点:
1) 如何理清戏剧中的人物关系。
2) 如何分析戏剧中的人物性格。
3) 如何体会戏剧的语言。
4) 如何自己改编和表演戏剧。
三 教学目标
1 语言技能:
通过阅读“The Merchant of Venice”这部戏剧,训练学生找出文章的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节发展和可能的结局的能力。
2 学习策略:
a 通过任务型教学活动设计和活动型教学,训练和培养学生自主、合作、探究、创新的学习能力。
a 在完成任务的过程中培养团队协作、互助精神,体验学习英语的快乐。
b 通过对莎士比亚作品的学习,体会戏剧的语言,感受戏剧的魅力。
四 任务设计
Task 1 为the Merchant of Venice配音
Goal: 使学生对课文有更好的理解,更能体会人物的心理,了解人物性格,感受莎士比亚的戏剧语言的魅力。 Task 2 戏剧表演

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
Goals: 1. Learn and master some important expressions.
2. Improve the students' reading ability.
3. Analyse the characteristic of the characters in the play.
4. Improve the students' speaking ability.
Step 1 Greetings and lead in
Pictures of William Shakespeare and the main characters
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Review the relationship between the characters.
Shylock Antonio
punish help

Portia Bassanio
2. Retell the listening part. (when\where\cause)
Step 3 reading
2. Skimming
Skim the whole play and choose the best answers.
1) In writing style, this text is a _________.
A. drama B. story C. fable D. fiction
2) The text mainly talk about _________.
A. Antonio' s charities(善行) and Shylock' s cruelty.
B. Portia' s cleverness and Antonio' s charities.
C. Shylock' s cruelty and Portia' s cleverness.
D. the three colorful characters of Antonio, Portia and Shylock.


3. Careful reading
Read the play carefully and answer the questions.
1) What was Antonio accused of?
2) Why did Shylock refuse to have mercy on Antonio?
3) What did the Duke mean by saying “ Don' t be so bitter."?
4) What did the Duke' s words “ How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?" mean?
5) Who did the Duke at the count support?
6) What was Portia' s opinion of mercy?(Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It is twice blessed. It blessed those who give it, and those who receive it. It is the highest of the highest. We should learn to show mercy on others.)
Ask the students to read it aloud and translate it.
7) What are the two meanings of “ I will pay him back with all my heart."?
8) What did the Venice law say if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice?
9) What was Shylock accused of?
10) What was the result of the trial?
Step 4 Post- reading
Task 1. Plot understanding
Finish the chart according the plot of the play.(Group work)
The components of plot( 情节的构成部分) Description

Background(背景) 有关故事人物、时间和地点方面的信息
Problem( 问题) 人物之间、个人内部存在的正反两种力量的较量
Rising action( 发展) 引发故事达到高潮的事件
Climax( 高潮) 故事中人物直接面对矛盾
Outcome( 结局) 行动逐渐停止,冲突结束
Task 2. Analyse the characteristics of the characters and find out some sentences in the play to support your idea.(Group work)
Antonio: always ready to help others, kind-hearted, was devoted to his friends, upright, dare to point out the others’ wrong deeds
Sentences: 1. It’s useless trying to agree with Shylock.
2. Give Shylock what he wants.

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