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七年级英语 lesson 59 China说课教案(河北版)

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-04-07 09:46:34

lesson 59: China说课教案
学情分析:   1.学生能说出一些以英语为母语的一些国家,能用英语简单表达自己的意愿.在小学已经学过了一些国家的名称。
             3.前面已经学过了What’s this ? This is a …….等句式。

重点难点: 句子: 1.We speak Chinese. 
                   2.The U.S. is east of China.
                   3.What’ s this in English?
                   4.Beijing is the capital city of China.
                   5.What country is east / west / north / south of the U.S.?
           单词:  speak  east
一. Lead in 导入
1.Sing the song of lesson 58 。
2.Duty report. ( 锻炼口语表达能力。)
 Show the map of the world:
T: Look , What country is this ?
S: It’s China.
T: What country is that ?
S: It’s America.
T: What country is that?
S: It’s England.
T: Do they speak Chinese?
S: No , they speak English.
T: What do you speak ?
We speak Chinese.
二.Vocabulary learning  单词教学
用图片展示出首都capital 旗帜 flag 星 star 中国 Chinese
天安门广场 Tian ’anmen Square 故宫 Palace Museum
重点讲解 speak  并比较 say  talk  tell 的不同用法
We speak Chinese.
speak:  1. 做及物动词: 说,讲某种语言
          She can speak Japanese.
        2. 做不及物动词:对某人说话
          Don’t speak to me.
say :    说,述说 一般与所说的内容连在一起
        The teacher says: you must study hard.
talk:    意为讲话,谈话,交流式说话。
        What are you talking  about?
tell:     告诉,讲述。其后可跟双宾或复合宾语。
        Don’t tell him about it.
Exercise: (    )1. We  ______ Chinese.
A. say     B. talk    C. tell    D. speak
        (    ) 2.She _______to me , I’m the best in the class.
               A.  talks  B.  tells  C. says   D. speaks
        (    ) 3. Who will ______at the meeting this afternoon.
A. talk    B. tell    C. say    D. speak
        (    ) 4. Don’t  ______ him about it .
               A. tell     B. say    C. speak  D. talk
( 讲练结合,针对性强,并把单词及词组放在句中学习,便于学生记忆,掌握。符合英语学习的习惯。)
三.Drill 操练 
1. Read after the tape
Ms. Liu : What’s this , Li Ming ?
Li Ming: This is a map of our country. We live in China. We speak Chinese.
Ms. Liu : Good !What is the capital city of China , Li Ming.
Li Ming: It’s Beijing.
Ms. Liu : Yes! Beijing is the capital city of China! What country is east of China?
        Do you know , Li Ming ?
Li Ming: Yes, I know! The U.S. is east of China !
2. Ask and  answer
Where is Li Ming from?
What is the capital city of China?
What country is east of China?
3.Disscuss .What do you know about Beijing?

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