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Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?The Fourth Period (Selfcheck+ grammar)

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               Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?
           The Fourth Period (Selfcheck+ grammar)
                     Sanxin Bilingual School by JiLei
一.Text Analysis(selfcheck + grammar):
In this period, it incloudes selfcheck and grammar. Mainly, it is important to help the students to sum up the garmmar. So I will design some exercises to let them do, and at the same time, we need to connect the unit to the final-oral exam. So, according to the topic, we have some spoken exercises.
二.Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects:
Grammar: the past tense  
2. Ability Object
  (1) Use the target language to speak
  (2) Improve oral English
3. Emotion goal :
   To care for other person’s life.
三.Difficult points: Grammer (To fill in the blanks with correct verb forms)
四.Teaching method: Task-based
五. Teaching Aids: a computer, blackboard, the listening materials

Where did you go on vacation?
  Task One:
To go over
Task Two:
To learn Grammer

Task Three:
 Oral English practice
七. Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
   (1) To sing an English song—“I lay my love on you”
   (2) Duty report.
Step 2: Memory challenge
   To go over the key words.
Step3: Read Lily’s vacation then introduce
Step4: Read the travel and fill in the blanks.
Step5: Do and explain how to use “was/were”
(1) To fill in the blanks
(2) To sum up
Step6: Practise the past tense
(1) Fill in the blanks with correct verb forms
(2) To explain
Step7: Oral English
Step8: Homework
   To read the following ads. and then imagine you went there, to write a travel diary.

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