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五年级英语上册Unit 5 What do they do ? Story time教学设计和实录

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:网络  发布时间:2017-12-28 18:17:39
Step 1 Warming up
1. Greeting
T: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher today. You can call me Echo. Echo is my English name.
Ss: Good morning, Echo !
2. Understanding the contents.
T: First of all, we have to know what do we learn in this lesson .What to learn? 学什么?
1. I can understand the text.我能理解课文。
2. I can retell the text. 我能复述课文。
3. I can talk about jobs.我能谈论“职业”话题。
How to do?  怎么做?
1. Listen carefully. 仔细听。
2. Read carefully. 认真读。
3. Speak out and be not shy. 大声说别害羞。
4. Think actively. 积极思考。
T: So, are you ready class?
Ss: Yes! 
T: Let’s go !
Step 2 Presentation
1.       T: Do you know me? Can you guess what my hobby is? What do I do? 
S1: You are a teacher. You teach English.
T: You’re right! I am an English teacher. Teacher is my job.
T: Can you find their jobs? Let’s watch the video together.
[设计意图]首先教师利用学生对自己不熟悉的特点和学生进行free talk,让学生猜一猜教师的爱好,同时引入本课关键词job。其次,教师利用制作好的视频导入课文,让学生找一找视频中出现的职业,抓住学生的注意力,使学生迅速进入状态。
2.学生顺利找到视频中出现的五种职业,分别是teacher, writer, doctor, worker和policeman。
3.T:Look at the picture. What are they talking about?
Ss: They are talking about their parents’ jobs.
T板书标题What do they do?
Here are some sentences. Please watch the cartoon and judge.
(1)Mike’s father is an English teacher.
(2)Mike’s mother is an English teacher too.
(3)Su Hai’s father is a policeman.
(4)Su Hai’s mother is a factory worker.
(5)Mike doesn’t like sweets.
S1: Mike’s father is an English teacher.
S2: Mike’s mother is a writer.
S3: Su Hai’s father is a doctor.
S4: Su Hai’s mother is a factory worker.
S5: Mike likes sweets very much.
T: Good! You did a good job!
4.T:Can you describe their jobs in detail? 细读课文,找出关键句,找到Mike和Su Hai父母工作的细节。
S1: Mike’s father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students.
S2: Mike’s mother is a writer. She writes stories. She works at home.
S3: Su Hai’s father is a doctor. He helps sick people.
S4: Su Hai’s mother is a factory worker. She makes sweets.
T: Well done!
T: Let’s watch the sentences carefully. Can you find something in these words? Let’s discuss in your groups.
S1: Because they are all the third person singular form .
T: You are so amazing! Perfect!
6. Listen to the cartoon and repeat.
T: Now, let’s listen and repeat the text. Please pay attention to the stress, the rising tune and the falling tune. Let’s begin! . 

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