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Teaching plan for Unit 2 English around the world Grammar

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-06-21 08:32:44

Teaching plan for Unit 2 English around the world Grammar
Teaching goals:
1. Knowledge and Ability:
a. Enable the students to turn the direct speech into indirect speech successfully
b. develop the students’ writing skills.
c. Improve the students’ ability of speaking

2. Process and Methods
a. Task-based method in the forms of dialogue and multi choice.
b. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

3. Emotion and Value
a. Arouse the students’ desire in learning English and make them to join in the activities in learning.
b. Help the students to learn to study and express themselves bravely and make them love English and life.
c. Improve their abilities in inter-cultural communication. 

Teaching important points:
1. Help the students to catch the point how to turn the direct speech into indirect speech
2. Enable the students to realize the importance of teamwork in learning

Teaching difficult points:
1. How to distinguish the command and request
2. How to turn the direct speech into indirect speech with “to do”
Teaching methods:
Individual work, pair work and group work.

Teaching aids
     A multi-media

Teaching procedures & ways
Step1 Lead in
1. Read the chant:
I am a girl, I am a girl.
She said she was a girl.
I can sing, I can sing.
He said he could sing.
I will be a doctor, I will be a doctor.
He said he would be a doctor.
2. Let Ss form a group of 3 persons and make a dialogue according to the topic of this unit.

Step 2 Learn the new grammar point
1. Give the concept of direct speech and indirect speech
2. Group game: 4 students make a group and choose the gift prepared by the teacher. Then the students do the question of the gift and have a group competition.

Step 3 Tips
Give the Ss key points of this grammar and make the Ss try to summarize the principles by themselves according to the former practice

Step 4 consolidation
Do the exercises related to the grammar point.

Step 5 Group work---Interview
Form a group of 4 and do the activity according to the following tips.
Tips: Suppose you’re a reporter. You can ask anyone some questions. Then have a report. The questions you can use:
What’s your name?
How old are you?
What animals /sports do you like?
What can you do?
 What will you do in the future?
You can have a report like this:
This is *** .He/She said he/she was 16 years old. He/She said he/she liked football. He/She said he/she could/would…

Step 6 summary
   (3)祈使句变为间接引语,主要使用动词不定式(to do)。

Step 7 Homework
1. Review the direct speech and the indirect speech.
2. Read the story on workbook, then write it as a conversation.


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