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Unit 2 English around the world Warming up listening﹠Speaking

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Unit 2 English around the world Warming up listening﹠Speaking

Teaching goals:
1. Knowledge and Ability:
a. To know about the history and importance of English.
b. To understand the differences between American English and British English
c. Improve the students’ abilities of speaking and listening by activities.
d. To develop the students’ abilities of collecting, dealing with and solving the problems
2. Process and Methods
a. Task-based method in the forms of performance, teamwork and discussions.
b. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
c. Research to develop the students’ abilities of collecting, dealing with and solving the problems
d. Encourage every student to open their mouths to say something in English.
3. Emotion and Value
a. Arouse the students’ desire in learning English and make them join in the activities in learning.
b. Help the students to learn how to study and express themselves bravely and make them love English and life.
c. Improve their abilities in inter-cultural communication.
Teaching important points:
1. Help the students know the history and importance of English language.
2. Help the students learn some reading strategies.
3. Enable the students to use proper English words to express themselves in different countries.

Teaching difficult points:
1. How to use the proper expressions to communicate with others.
2.How to ensure every student to have a chance to express themselves.

Teaching methods:
1. Individual work, pair work and group work.
2. Discussion
3. Question-and-answer activity.

Teaching aids
 A computer, a projector and some pictures.

Teaching procedures & ways
Step 1 Lead in
1. Enjoy an English video Wild China
2. Ask the students question : Which language was used in the video?
3. Lead in the topic that English is a world Language!
Design purpose: Get the students into the environment of English and then arouse the students’ interests in the English learning, know the importance of learning English and then lead the students into the topic “English around the world”

Step 2 Knowledge Extension
1. Know some countries that English spoken as native Language,second and foreign Language
2. Summary: English is widely used all over the world.
Design purpose: This step is designed as a knowledge extension for the students. Before the class, they have been asked to do some researches about the different English spoken in different countries. That help them to get enough materials for this unit and it is important for them to know that English spoken in different countries is different from each other.

Step3 Pictures enjoying and speaking
1. Set the situation to the student “when do we use English?”
2. Have the students to see some pictures of different situations and finish the sentences with the help of the pictures.
a. A foreigner is asking the road
b. You are listening to English songs and watching English movies.
c. Having an International Meeting
d. Doing an International Trade.
e. Hosting the Olympic Games.
3. Summary: English is very important and useful in our daily lives(日常生活)。
Design purpose: Help the students to know about the importance of English and doing some sentence drills at the same time to improve the skills in sentence making, the model sentence may be of helpfulness to decrease the difficulties.

Step 4 Performance and Listening
1. Ask two students to give a performance about the differences of the British English and American English.
 Two students act as American and British
A for American B for British

A: Good Morning, Mary.
B: Good morning, Tom! Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you, too. It has been a long time since we met last fall.
B: fall? You mean autumn? Oh! I moved to a new flat, it’s far away from here.
A: A new flat, er, a new apartment, right? Good! So by the way, are you free tonight?
B: sure, what’s going on?
A: How about going to the movies?
B: Movies? I don’t think seeing a film is a good idea. What about watching a football match?
A: Perfect! Let’s go to seen exciting soccer game, but, how shall we go there?
B: Why not go by underground?
A: Er, the subway station is far away. How about taking a Cab?
B: Cab? Oh taxi. Good!
A: Let’s go!
2. Ask the other students to listen carefully and write down the pairs of American words and British words.
3. Finish the listening comprehension.
1. When did they have the conversation? (谈话)
A. In the weekend
B. In the morning.
C. In the evening.
D. In the afternoon.
2.What’s the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?

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