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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-08-13 23:04:12

石岐中心小学英语科组 赖丽莉
关键次:阅读   词汇教学   有效性
一、 结合句子教词汇
New Year’s Day                  March 8th
Women’s Day                     January 1st
Tree Planting Day                May 1st
April Fool’s Day                March 12th
Labor Day                        April 1st
Children’s Day                   June 1st
Teachers’ Day                    October 1st
National Day                      September 10th
Halloween                         December 25th
Christmas Day                     November 1st
这样就组成了这些句子:New Year’s Day is on January 1st.
Women’s Day is on March 8th. Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.
April Fool’s Day is on  April 1st. Labor Day is on May 1st. Children’s Day is on June 1st . Teachers’ Day is on September 10th. National Day is on October 1st. Halloween is on November 1st . Christmas Day is on December 25th. 通过这10个句子,学生分别记住了其中的10个月份的词。而1st 这个序数词也因为不断地重复出现所以学生也有了深刻的印象。这样接下来让生日在2号和3号的同学来说说:My birthday  is on January 2nd. My birthday is on May 3rd. 其他同学可以说:Her birthday is on January 2nd. His birthday is on May 3rd. 大家都通过这些跟他们的日常生活紧密相连的句子来学习、练习月份、日期的单词,学生也更容易掌握其正确的用法。而学习July 和August 这两个词则可以用Summer holiday is in July and August .这一句。
二、 结合短文教词汇
《开心学英语》第5册第10 、11课的词汇部分学习的是实义
     第10课单词是:planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened , helped, painted, called. 我把这八个单词放在了这样一个故事里:
Yesterday was Sunday. It was Tree Planting Day. My friend Ruby and her family were busy. Ruby’s cousin,Ben, called Ruby in the morning and they planted trees in the park. In the afternoon , Ruby painted a picture . In the evening , Ruby’s mom cooked dinner . After dinner, Ruby helped Grandpa sweep the floor . Ruby’s dad washed the dishes and then he watched TV. Ruby’s brother listened to music. They were busy but happy.
    第11课 的词汇是 :used, studied, played, visited, practiced , talked, jumped , cleaned.我把这八个单词编在了这个故事里:
Yesterday was Sunday. It was Amy’s family day. In the morning, they visited Grandma and had morning tea together.
In the afternoon, they were at home. Mom cleaned the house. Dad used the computer. Amy studied English and Kate practiced the piano. Jimmy played with  the dog and the dog jumped on his head. The dog was happy but Jimmy was sad.

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