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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2013-05-14 13:25:17
Sample 7:  Write a riddle about animal
 Step1: Draw an animal . Write a riddle about this animal.
 Step2: Read the riddle to your friend. Ask your friend to guess.

                                It has two big ears          .
                                It has a long nose           .
                                It can walk                .
                                 It cannot fly                .

Sample 8: My friend’s pets
Step 1: Listen to your friend. Find out where their pets are. Draw the animal in the picture.
Step 2: Show your friend the picture . Complete the sentences.

                              1. The dog  is under  the table.
                              2.The doll  is on   the table.

                              3.The rabbit  is in   the box.

3、 画一画,锻炼学生的发散性思维
Sample 9: Design and describe a monster.
My name is Kitty.
I have one eye.
I have two ears.
I have one mouth.
I have four hands and arms.
I have two legs.
I have two feet.
This is my body.
   Sample 10: Make a bookmark.

Sample 11: Make a  mini  book. 

四、 结束语
    写作技能的培养是个循序渐进的过程,对于小学生来说要求他们用英语进行书面表达肯定有一定的困难。因此教师需要坚持通过多种途径为学生搭建写作平台,引导并帮助学生激活写作素材。并鼓励学生在写作过程中查阅词典或向他人请教,对于他们的习作,应设立多边批改和评价形式 ,要以赞赏和鼓励为主,进一步提高学生的写作兴趣和积极性。教学实践证明,在小学英语写作教学中运用任务型写作是一种有效的写作训练途径。只要教师在教学中研究教材、巧设写作任务、并选择合适写作任务实施办法,坚持对学生进行写作训练,学生的写作能力一定会得到很大的提高。

1. 教育部, 2002。英语课程标准及解读 (实验稿)。北京:北京师范大学出版社。
2. 张燕 “小学英语写作教学中的问题与对策” 《中小学外语教学》2006,10
3. Alan Maley  <YOUNG LEARNERS> 华东师范出版社

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